Larry Learner answers your questions on why exam results take so long
Hi Larry,
Why do the exam results take so long to be released ?
– Jessica
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for your enquiry, which relates to the release dates for exam results. The ICB result release dates are 7-8 weeks after the final exam date and are listed on the exam timetable in the prospectus. The marking process comprises of a number of steps:
- After your exam, your exam center waits until all the exams in that cycle are complete and then packages all the papers together and couriers these to Cape Town.
- Upon receipt, the ICB logs each PoE in batches onto our systems. Each PoE is opened and checked for content.
- Papers are then prepared and separated into batches for the Examiners to review.
- Each PoE needs to have the ICB tests and assignments as well as the final exam reviewed and marked. Papers are then sent to a Moderator to do a sample selection and moderate.
- During this time, there are numerous checks to ensure that any problems that are picked up are addressed and that there is consistency with the marking across all the exam papers.
- Marks are then collated and inputted into the marking systems.
- Marks are then reviewed again by Senior Assessors to ensure that there are no irregularities.
- Marks are then released on the due date.
As you can see from the above, there is a very intensive process and we have very strict quality assurance measures in place. In addition, in some exam cycles we may have more than 10 000 PoE’s which we need to get through.
The ICB is however constantly reviewing our systems, procedures and controls and as we develop smarter and better ways of doing things, we will endeavor to shorten the time we take to release results.
Hope that this answers your query. You are welcome to contact us for any further information at any time. 021 – 6591300 and
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