How to Answer the Top 10 Most Common Interview Questions
Preparing for an interview can be a daunting task and you can use all the help you can get. I would like to share with you shortly, the top 10 list of frequently asked interview questions, that might help you prepare for your next interview.
1. Tell us about yourself.
Here you should list your main attributes, your qualifications and career history, emphasising those skills relevant to the job on offer.
2. Why do you want this position?
Be honest but be careful not to bring the potential employer into your personal life saga. Too much drama may put them off.
3. What have been your greatest achievements thus far?
Think of something fairly recent and work related. Identify the skills you used in the achievement and quantify the benefit it had for the company.
4. What makes you suitable for this position?
List your learnt skills and experience to support what the job needs. Always include soft skills that you have which will support your hard skills in the job. For instance, if you are applying for a part-time bookkeeping job, attention to detail would be an excellent skill to highlight.
5. Give me an example of when you have had to resolve a conflict situation.
Always tell the truth. Be honest with the interviewer if you have never had to resolve a conflict situation. If you are a parent you will have many examples to cite.
6. Give me an example of when you had to overcome a difficult obstacle.
The aim of the above two questions is to find out whether or not you can approach problem-solving logically. Mention a work situation not caused by you. Explain how you defined the problem, what the options were, why you chose the one you did and what the outcome was, always ending on a positive note.
7 What salary are you expecting?
Market research is key here. Don’t ask for too much, but also don’t sell yourself short.
8 What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Choose your weaknesses with care. Try to mention those that could also be perceived as a strength, such as being a good initiator of projects, but you need to work harder at following them through to completion.
9 What did and didn’t you enjoy about your previous employment?
Never bad-mouth a previous employer. Find a positive way to state a negative situation. For example, because the company is so large, it takes a long time for decisions to be made.
10 Where do you see yourself in 10 years’ time?
This gives the employer an idea of how you see your career progressing. There are no right or wrong answers here.
Finally, remember that often being appointed comes down to personality match if two candidates have the same skill set. Don’t be hard on yourself if you don’t get the job.
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