What to do after matric in South Africa?

You have options after matric to get a relevant qualification


Schools out

Alice Cooper in his hit hard rock song “School’s out” really captures the excitement of upcoming school holidays, but also that the 12 year school career has come to an end.


(Credits to artist Alice Cooper)

Now what?

  • Are you analytical, have good acumen for numbers?
  • Have you ever considered Bookkeeping, Finance and Business studies?
  • Are you wanting to set yourself above your peers to be employable and even indispensable?
  • Would you want to potentially have your own business in time?
  • Have you finished matric and uncertain on the way forward?

If you answered yes to any of these, then read on….

What can the ICB offer you after matric?

With the ICB, you can have an NQF Accredited Qualification that is relevant, practical and Internationally Recognised:

  • All ICB qualifications are registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).
  • Our programmes are valued by employers, and our graduates are recognised locally and internationally by several professional bodies.
  • ICB qualifications are modular, which means you can build on them as your studies or career progress. You can also qualify in another programme by just completing a few more subjects.
  • We are a Quality Assurance Partner for the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO). The Finance and Accounting Services Sector Education and Training Authority (Fasset) issues NQF aligned certificates and diplomas to our graduates.


And above all, you can start whenever you want, write multiple times throughout the year and can work your way up from Bookkeeper to Financial Accountant, ALL through the ICB.

With the ICB you can start off with studying towards a Bookkeeper and move on and become a Financial Accountant within 3 years. You also have the option to choose HOW to study – from classroom to distance to a hybrid option.

Have a look below of what is possible. And if you want more information on each position, read here.

Have a look at the various job options available

Don’t wait for February to roll around!

Open up your future by starting a career in Finance which will always be in demand!

Submit your details here for a College to contact you.