What does articulation mean in Education terms?

In education, articulation refers to the process of connecting two or more educational institutions or programmes so that students can move between them more seamlessly. The goal of articulation is to ensure that students can transfer their credits, skills, and knowledge from one institution or programme to another without unnecessary repetition or loss of credit.

Articulation, or more specifically course articulation, is the process of comparing the content of courses that are transferred between postsecondary institutions[1] such as TAFE institutes, colleges or universities. In other words, course articulation is the process by which one institution matches its courses or requirements to coursework completed at another institution. Students rely on course articulation to assure themselves that the courses they have completed or intend to complete will not need to be repeated at the institution to which they are transferring.” Read here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Articulation_(education)

Where to find articulation paths?

Articulation agreements may exist between high schools and community colleges, community colleges and universities or between different programmes within a single institution.  These agreements typically outline which courses will transfer and how credits will be awarded, so that students can plan their educational pathways accordingly.
Read here to see what a Credible College is and how to choose one.

Why is articulation important?

Articulation is important because it can help students save time and money by avoiding the need to re-take courses they have already completed, and by ensuring that their credits count towards their educational goals. It also helps to create more efficient and effective educational pathways that meet the needs of learners and the workforce.

Articulation within ICB

ICB as an examination body for programmes and qualifications in the Finance Management, Office Administration and Business Management sectors and offer qualifications for some who do not yet have a matric and take learners from NQF3 to NQF6. Read more here on what an Examination Body is.

ICB forms a critical role with qualifications with high credentials and well respected in the workplace but also as a wonderful stepping stone to those that want to pursue Advanced Diploma’s or Degree’s


ICB has entered into agreements with various higher educational partners to assist with the articulation process both local and international, which again gives credit to the value of ICB’s qualifications and respect in the market place.

Articulation paths with your ICB qualification

Read more here: https://icbhelpdesk.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/9000178997-your-route-to-a-degree-and-further-progression-options

What options are there if you have incomplete qualifications or only relevant work experience?

Articulation paths are only available for successful completion of a programme or Diploma as you need the full credits for transfer.

However, there is an option of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) to successfully fast track your education to full qualification and then to be able to take advantage of articulation paths for further education.


How else can I grow my knowledge, scope and make myself more marketable?

Joining a professional body (read more here), reading relevant reputable articles about legislation and industry updates, attending seminars and webinars. Tracking CPD points (read here) and networking on the likes of LinkedIn are good ways to start.