Warning for ICB Students: Don’t share copyrighted content on social media

Warning for ICB Students: Don't share copyrighted content on social media

Recently ICB sent a warning to colleges to let their students know about the implications of sharing copyrighted material via WhatsApp or Facebook groups.


Copyright law protects original works of authorship, including information posted on social media sites such as WhatsApp and Facebook. As a general rule, a person who creates an original work of authorship owns the copyright in the work. Copyright holders have a number of exclusive rights, including the rights to reproduce, distribute, and publicly display their works. Sharing another person’s copyrighted work on social media sites implicates several of these exclusive rights, and constitutes


As a general rule, a person who creates an original work of authorship owns the copyright in the work. Copyright holders have a number of exclusive rights, including the rights to reproduce, distribute, and publicly display their works. Sharing another person’s copyrighted work on social media sites implicates several of these exclusive rights, and constitutes infringement unless a license or permission is obtained from the copyright holder or the use falls within the realm of fair use.


So, what does this mean for ICB students?


As a student, you have no doubt heard about copyright but did you know that sharing Edge Learning Media material to those who have not bought and paid for it is an infringement of copyright?

If any original work of the author is shared, the author could take legal action against those who are sharing the work. Such examples are ICB formative tests; Portfolios of Evidence and anything from the Edge Learning Medias paid for product.

The learning material recommended by the ICB is also copyrighted so sharing of this information is against the law. Anyone involved in such activities could face criminal charges or civil actions brought against them by the copyright owners, distributors and representatives. Of  particular  concern is  the  potential for  charges  to  be  laid,  or actions  instituted, against anyone sharing such information if notification of possible activity which infringed the rights of the owners of the content is ignored (thus facilitating infringement with due knowledge).


We’d therefore like to bring this to all our student’s attention and urge you to consider the implications of sharing any past exams; learning material; PoE inserts with anyone. Honesty in the financial industry is vital. Let’s work together on the right side of the law!


Let’s work together on the right side of the law!


Honesty in the financial industry is vital. While sharing your ideas, study tips and your understanding is encouraged, sharing copyrighted material is not, so please be advised. For any questons, please contact support@icb.org.za and we’ll be happy to assist.