No time to study?!

No time to study?

No time to Study?!

Want to invest in yourself? Do you wish you can obtain that dream job? Want to advance in your career, leave public transport behind you and be behind the steering wheel literally and physically and in control of your life and destiny? Thinking of starting to study?

But then again! That time monster that keeps on devouring your time! Single mom, working parent, demanding job, finance limitations?

We are all guilty of procrastination, and also guilty of time confetti“little bits of seconds and minutes lost to unproductive multitasking”. Scraps of free time in our days that get filled with petty tasks, endless scrolling and wading through emails and messages. (Read this helpful article on Time Confetti and how you can turn the tables .)

Does this sound familiar? Busy with the family dinner, but then we just quickly check an email meanwhile the rice on the stove burns? Watching a movie, but at the same time answering whatsapp messages? Watching a side funny on Tiktok or checking if we got some likes on our facebook photo we posted earlier?

We live in a generation where we constantly multi-task to the point that we missing being in the “Present”. Missing priorities or just plain not getting down to business of getting the job done.

Who are we punishing at the end of the day? …. Ourselves and our loved ones!

This is what others say when they chose to study:

What about you? Are you ready to get your studies on?

Lets make the new year about setting goals, priorities, investing in ourselves and our loved ones and actually make things happen!

The best and first start is education, a vital link. And yes, if its important to you and your loved ones you can make the time.  Just think of how much better it will make your life and theirs AND how much time you are already losing without knowing.

Realize that dream job, the promotion, the ability to potentially open your own business and work from home. Actually obtain that work/life balance we all want and need in our lives.

A career in Financial Management, Office Administration or Business Management is then for you! See all the details of the 3 programmes here.

Credible options to study

Credible options to study

 ICB can help you when you choose to study:
  1. We can take you from No Matric to an NQF3, to a Technical Financial Accountant level of NQF6!
  2. We offer flexible study planning, meaning you study on your terms and write exams when ready.  This means you can plan your work commitments, your family commitments, financial limitations and even personal highlights like maternity leave.
  3. You can study in person at a college (face-to-face) or distance.
  4. With the ICB you will be joining a long standing (over 90 year) institution that is well respected and SAQA registered on the National Qualifications Framework, endorsed by FASSET and QCTO.
  5. We offer 3 study programmes; Financial Accounting, Business Management, and Office Administration.


With the ICB there are a host of benefits, i.e.; modular studies, no matric needed, choice in what to study, multiple subjects and more:

The benefits of studying through the ICB

Choose a change!

  • Yes! you want a new career or career change.
  • Yes! You want to become indispensable in the work place and differentiate yourself from other candidates.  
  • Yes! You want to be upskilled in such a way you can empower yourself to potentially work from home or become a business owner and an employer rather than an employee.  

Don’t sit on the couch frustrated that another year has gone past without you achieving that goal.

Love yourself enough to INVEST IN YOU and sit on a new couch with a sunset reflecting on your achievements and accomplishments this time next year!

Choose What to Study today and start NOW!

