ICB changes and IQB? What does it mean?
The Education landscape in South Africa is changing!
Legacy qualifications are being phased out on the SA NQF. The closing date to register on the legacy qualifications was 30 June 2024. The left of this graphic indicates the Legacy pathway when ICB operated as a Quality Assurance Partner to the QCTO.
What does it mean for students who registered with ICB before 30 June 2024. For these students everything stays the same and these learners have until 2027/2028 to complete their studies. All past and existing students the credits and qualifications earned have a lifelong validity.
The subjects, exam timetable and fee’s remain unchanged.
What are the new options?
ICB will no longer be regulated and carry credits on the South African Framework but now has international standing.
ICB has partnered with IQB – An International Examination Body based in the UK. www.iqb.org.uk
This allows students the flexibility of doing just the subjects they want or need OR do the full ICB programme.
Same quality as before, same respect in the market place. Reminder that ICB has been established since 1931 with thousands of learners assessed annually.
Students registering with ICB from 1 July 2024, they will join ICB under the endorsement of IQB. Learners will receive a subject certificate for each subject successfully passed by IQB, on the completion of a full programme learners will receive a transcript of results and a co-branded ICB and IQB Professional International Certification, this instead of SA credits. Also let’s not forget the international endorsement and recognition that accompanies this!
ICB is embracing the global trend of short courses and “just in time” learning leading the way in modern education!