How to find a Credible College in South Africa
What is a Credible College?
Spam, fly-by-nights, fraudsters ….. Terminology we hear everyday and certainly never want to come across, especially when looking for a credible college.
Where are you?
Have your parents been saving for years for you to study further? Have you taken out a loan with interest to study further? Are you fortunate enough to have a sponsor or employer prepared to pay for your studies?
Then none of the above scenario’s would want you to be in a position where you throw money away on paying for studies, only to find out they are a fly-by-night OR not a credible college. And not allowing you to achieve your long awaited qualification.
How to identify a Credible College?
Any College or Tertiary Institution you apply for should be credible. It needs to be approved and accredited with the DHET (Department of Higher Education). Students who want to enrol at Private Colleges must check the registration status of these Private Colleges.
Any qualifications you are looking at must also have the following attached to be deemed credible. They must be registered with SAQA – South Africa Qualifications Authority, and as such linked to NQF – National Qualifications Framework. This way all credits earned for modules and programmes completed are recorded and can be built on when future studies are done.
For example.If you have previously studied with an institution registered with SAQA and your part qualifications are recorded on the NQF, you can potentially apply for RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING. This way your previous credits are acknowledged. This will allow you to pick up your studies at a later stage and complete your qualification or transfer your credits to another course. (This is dependant, of course, on the credits completed and the institutions’ RPL entry requirements).
Also, if you decide to emigrate or work overseas, any qualifications recorded on SAQA can then be vetted by the other countries’ governing bodies equivalent to SAQA. This ensures your qualification is accepted and seen as credible.
Other Bodies of Influence to look out for is the relevant sector SETA (Sector Education and Training Authority); i.e FASSET – the SETA for the Financial Sector, to have the qualification endorsed/credited. And of course QCTO – Quality Counsel for Trade and Occupations for absolute confidence of the process and of the course qualification.
What options are available?
If you are looking for study and career opportunities in Business Management, Office Administration or Financial Management then ICB has a solution for you:
Is ICB a credible option?
This speaks for itself:
Below you can see how everything fits together:
Why the ICB?
We are an Independent External Examination Body for Accredited Business Qualifications in Southern Africa since 1931. We focus on Financial Accounting, Business Management and Office Administration.
Our role is to create pathways for students to obtain valuable business studies skills for employment that are endorsed by credible Business Qualifications.
As an appointed Quality Assurance Partner for QCTO, we are authorized to conduct examinations on a number of Registered Qualifications that are on the NQF.
All our training providers are accredited colleges who are registered with the DHET. These colleges offer anything from accounting courses and bookkeeping courses to business management courses. Have a look at all our Colleges here and select one (or more) to get in contact with.
We are also a proud member of the
What does the ICB offer?
We offer 3 Study Programmes; Financial Accounting, Business Management and Office Administration.
Can you afford not to take up this opportunity?
You can safely invest your hard earned monies and that of your loved ones, or your employer trusting you with their money, to ensure you have a qualification that is endorsed by the QCTO, FASSET, SAQA and registered on the NQF. And which has been in operation and is well respected in the industry since 1931.
There are nearly 500 accredited colleges to study an ICB programme, either face to face, full time, part time or via distance.
You have a range of Business Management, Office Administration and Financial Management programmes to choose from. And you can choose to get qualified from a Bookkeeper to a Technical Financial Accountant.
We offer Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for those who have credible/relevant previous credits and part qualifications and previous relevant work experience. You can find out more here about this option.
If you don’t have a Matric – no problem. Our entry requirements are Grade 10 and 16 years of age. Read here about your options.
Interested in getting a Credible NQF Registered qualification?
Don’t hesitate contact the ICB today – Contact Us OR ask your choice of college if they offer ICB