
Didn’t get into a University or the College of your choice?

You might have had your heart set on a pathway to University! And then, life happened and you have not been accepted.

This could be a variety of reasons; entry requirements, for example, for a Bachelor’s Degree where you need a matric. (If this is you, read here about your options.)  It could be logistical challenges, or even not being able to get funding for your tertiary studies.

Sometimes, we hear “University studies” and assume that is the only path to follow and have not really thought about alternatives.

Or maybe other family members have gone to University and you have felt that that should also be the avenue to take.

However, its important to realize there ARE other options available for consideration:

  • You can apply to other tertiary institutions or Colleges. You may actually find there are other programmes or alternative study options that are a better fit for you than your first choice.
  • For some a gap year can be a great opportunity to gain some life experience, travel, work or volunteer.  This helps gain perspective and give you some idea’s you may not have previously considered.
  • Keep an open mind – University is not the only path to success.  Diploma routes, apprenticeships and trade schools can also lead to successful and fulfilling careers.  Read here to see the differences between a Degree and Diploma. See here for the differences between a Degree and a Diploma.

ICB offers you an option to consider:

ICB can take you from Grade 10, as an entry level to a NQF Level 6.  Between the Financial Management, Business Management and Office Administration programmes, you can work up the ranks with your studies from Creditors/Debtors Administrator to Bookkeeper, Accountant, Tax Practitioner, Financial Manager and even to Financial Accountant as example. These will take you from an NQF3 to an NQF6.

Thereafter, you can proceed your studies with articulation paths to other higher institutions for an Advance Diploma or Degree and still realize your dream.

And to top it off, for those wanting to pursue overseas options; ICB is internationally recognized.

You also have the option to join a Professional Body, where you can get recognition for your ICB qualification.

South African Institute of Tax Professionals
Professional Membership with The South African Institute of Business Accountants
Professional Membership with the International Association of Bookkeepers
Professional Membership with the IAAP

Have a look here to see your options of Professional Bodies.


Getting into your university of choice isn’t the only way to achieve your goals.

Keep an open mind and explore all the options available to you.

And maybe explore your options with the ICB. You can choose HOW and WHERE you want to study. Start here.