The Changing Nature of Work

The increased demand for flexible working is one of the key driving forces behind the rapidly changing nature of work (source: Key trends for global employers in 2018 by Baker Mackenzie).  It is essential for anyone making employment and hiring…
5 Reasons to Study Business Management

5 Reasons to Study Business Management

Business Management is an ideal choice for anyone wanting to fast-track their career or learn more about the realities of starting or managing a business. By exploring the various facets of management within the business sphere, from finance…
Top 20 Skills

10 Skills That Every Employee Will Need To Thrive in 2020

The world of work is evolving every day, every hour. New technology has allowed us excel at a rate that we once thought was impossible. The change in our everyday working lives is becoming more apparent. Technological advancements make way for…
7 Essential LinkedIn Profile Tips for Success in 2018

7 Essential LinkedIn Profile Tips for Success

LinkedIn is a valuable resource for anyone looking for a job or to expand their professional connections. But if you don’t know how to write a good LinkedIn profile, you won’t be taking full advantage of it. How do you show up in more…
Dressing For An Interview

Dressing For An Interview

Most people would refuse to turn up at a gym wearing flip-flops and a sundress to run on the treadmill, while a 2-piece business suit would invite ridicule in a spinning class. Neither would be allowed on a golf course. Failure to comply…
Companies with amazing spaces

16 Companies with Dream Offices

We’ve all seen Facebook’s and Google’s offices. They are a living dream. Who wouldn’t want to work in such an environment. I mean, Google’s offices are like a five-star hotel. You have everything you want. But Google and Facebook…
First Impressions

How to make a great first impression

If first impressions are made within less than twenty seconds of meeting, our written words create the same impression in our physical absence. We know that a badly written introductory letter or CV can jeopardise one’s interview and job…
Freelance Accountant

Get into freelance accounting with these 8 tips

Everyone’s freelancing these days – accountants and bookkeepers included. And why not? You can now deliver high-end services at a fraction of the cost, from your home. The margins can be solid, and it’s a good way to start your own accounting…

Networking is good for business

Unlike direct sales, the goal of networking is to start a relationship by finding common ground between yourself and another person. It may turn out their needs or interests could be met by your firm’s services. You don’t need to…

5 Things to do before an Interview

Confidence comes from being prepared. Well done! You took the time and effort to create a well-presented CV, and now your skills, experience and work history have won you an interview. Of course, most of us hope to shine in an interview,…